Sunday, January 20, 2013

Edtech Core Issue

Which Issue? 
     E-sponsibility - Privacy and Cyber Safety

     Online privacy and cyber safety are two very prevalent issues in our society.  With sites such as    
Photo by MS Images
Facebook which are based on sharing personal information, people have to learn to be more aware of their online presence.  I find it interesting that people have to constantly adapt, what someone else posts about you may have negative affects, even if you were not involved in posting it.  While I have always known the importance of privacy and cyber safety, I have never actually done any extensive research into the subject.  However, by acquiring a deeper knowledge of this subject, I think I will gain the ability to better monitor and protect my online image.  While I have read a number of stories about teachers being fired on the basis of inappropriate online content, I think it's important for people of all professions to be aware of what personal information, pictures, videos, etc. are available online.  By doing so, individuals can avoid unpleasant, uncomfortable, or embarrassing situations.

1 comment:

  1. Once you have explored how to keep your virtual self safe/private, be sure to also look into ways to help students develop these skills. You need to be well versed about this issue for your own sake, but your future students also need "training" as most of them will not have encountered any before they reach your classroom doors!
